Tutorial: URI Templates

URI Templates

Any operations, such as WebLink#follow or Resource#$followOne that deference a URI, may need to first process a URI Template first to produce the final URI to use. In those cases, the values passed in the data property of the options parameter will be used to process URI Template, e.g.

For resource with the following link relation:

  "_links": {
    "post": {
      "href": "/posts{/id}",
      "templated": true

You can follow the post link relation with the following:

var postId = '123';
res.$followOne('post', { data: { id: postId } });
=> Resource { $resolved: false, $promise: $q promise, ... }

Or, if you access the link first, you can pass the data to the follow call there:

var postId = '123';
var link = res.$link('post');
=> WebLink { href: '/posts{/id}', templated: true }
link.follow({ data: { id: postId } });
=> Resource { $resolved: false, $promise: $q promise, ... }